
Monday, April 04, 2005

MSN SearchSpoof

Alienate a Friend! or,
Mr. Gates Lightens Up!

Web Results 1-8 of 17593 containing Jack McCracken (0.21 seconds)

* Television Junkie Withdrawal Forum: Jack McCracken writes:
24 hours without TV. The Fear Factor is intense. I can't find the Will and Grace to go on...Jack McCracken writes: Where are my Friends? I feel Lost - trapped in a world without Law and Order, but those are the Facts of Life. I almost took a Taxi to the ER at General Hospital today, but I told myself, I'm a Survivor...
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* Local television addict Jack McCracken airlifted to Best Buy after TV transformer blows.
Jack McCracken was raced to the nearest Best Buy via helicopter after the power went out in his house, leaving him without television for nearly two hours. Clerks expect him to make a full recovery. Said a plucky McCracken, "I'll be home for 'Desperate Housewives.'"
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* Profiles in Design: Jack "the Sloth" McCracken's Custom Couch: "The Incubator"
A couch-and-cushion Power User like Jack McCracken needed more than a stodgy floor model at Pottery Barn could give. Scientifically fitted to the contours of McCracken's back and hams, upholstered in beautiful Polyfur with the "Sticks at Nothing!" food-resistant coating, "The Incubator" has everything: butt-warmers, cup-holders, a napkin dispenser, and cushions that give like a fat lady's thighs.
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* Gasping Jack McCracken faints at local ball game after walking to concession stand.
"Between the long trek from the parking lot and then this grueling walk to get a hot dog and a soda, I don't know how I lasted this long," Jack said when he revived. "I came here to watch a game, not play one."
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Didn't get the results you expected? You've been Spoofed! 1 2 3 4 5 Next

Enter anyone's name and click on one of several typical character viola! ...instant spoof search. The above is just a tiny taste of the full effect and it's fully editable for even more hilarity, etc.

My thanks to Sara Ryan for bringing the SearchSpoof to my attention. And thanks again to Library Underground for linking to her and bringing her to my attention.