
Friday, April 08, 2005

Jack Sass!

We Get Letters!

Dear Jack Sass!

I'm considering volunteering to help with a collection development plan for our local Catholic high school library. I'm concerned the parents of these children will be much less tolerant of books containing profanity, storylines involving teen pregnancy and/or books giving credit to the Darwin system. Would you please share the benefits of your vast experience?

Signed, Worried in Worcester

Dear Worried,

I am not a parent...but, I am the result of ten years of parochial school education, and if I had children I would try to send them to the school where they would get the broadest possible education. Profanity, teen pregnancy and evolution happen. It does no good to hide from them.

I refer you to my Jesuit high school's biology teacher, a lay teacher...who checked the halls and closed the classroom door...before he announced in low tones that "The theory of evolution is not a theory, its a fact!" And (remember it's 1968) he asked if we knew what they called people who used that method of contraception known as the rhythm method. Those folks, he said, are called parents!

So, if you need one, I'd be happy to send along a copy of Catcher in the Rye!

And why is the name of your city pronounced as 'Wooster?' C'mon this is America, ferchrissake!


Jack Sass!