
Sunday, June 05, 2005

Summer Reruns-#2

Enjoy it again or for the first time!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Reference Guess: Sasquatch
Today's Reference Question: Does Bigfoot really live 'round here?

It seems to me there's enough open forest to support Bigfoots (Bigfeets, Sasquatcheses?) and enough people to ensure the occasional bumping or sighting. You won't find any statues of them 'round here as you would of Paul Bunyan or John Henry in other parts of the country. I don't hear much talk about them either.

There is at least one town in northern California that has adopted the whole Bigfoot tourism thing, but they smoke a lot of reefer in northern California. The Northwest is decidedly laid back and people 'round here don't fret about much until there's a cougar in the backyard!

The library catalog had more than 50 books come up using Bigfoot as a keyword. It seems to me that more than a few of them are checked folks just don't talk about the beasties...or maybe they just don't talk to me about them!

Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go walk the dragon.